Row Crop

System Description
- WEED-IT has been adopted into the row crop growing regions where the technology is used to target weeds between the crop rows. e.g wide row cotton on 40” spacings.
- WEED-IT sensors are mounted to the front of inter-row hoods.
- Hood “blinders” are installed to act as a barrier between the growing crop and inter-row. The sensors are mounted to focus on weeds in the inter-row.
- Toolbars can be set up with a triple tank option applying selective chemistry over the crop row and burndown chemical in the spot spray hood.
- Growers are increasingly interested in this concept as an alternative to different seed varieties when tackling weed resistance.
- Hoods are specifically manufactured to suit wide row spacings. 36” 40” 50”.
- Cotton growers have adjusted WEED-IT for banding applications as well as for inter-row weed control.
- We ran seven trials on seven fields that compared the chemical usage broadcast spraying with a self propelled sprayer, to spot spraying with the WEED-IT hooded design. The results were an 83% savings using the WEED-IT hooded sprayer bringing spray costs from over $10/acre to under $2/acre.